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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Family Entertainer On Half An Acre With Swimming Pool.
$ 749,000

Property Location: 33 Tilse Street Mareeba - - QLD

Listing Id: 1P0183  


Bedrooms: 4    Bathrooms: 2   

Description: Escape the hum drum of the city to this prestigious property only 50 minutes from Cairns. This is the perfect home for entertaining or raising your family in comfort and style, or alternately an investment property ready to rent with excellent returns.

This glorious first rate designer home on a large, very private allotment of 2010m² situated 3 minutes from the CBD of Mareeba.

Some of the features include-

- I/G Self Cleaning Salt Water Pool, with Water Feature
- Ducted Air-Conditioned home
- Down lights and Feature lights thru out, Inc pool area
- Kitchen has Stainless Steel Appliances and Finishes
- Corner Spa in Master Bed En-suite +WIR
- Mirrored built-ins
- Large Media/Family Room
- Private Colour Bond Fenced Yard
- Fully Automatic Pop-up Sprinkler System
- Outdoor Shower for After Pool
- BBQ Area/Patio, Adjoining Pool
- Double Lock-Up Remote Garage
- 8.5 k/w Solar panels
- Double bay shed.

A Sustainability Declaration is available from our office.

For more information or to organise a property inspection please call Exclusive Agent Casey Wright on 40 922 111 or email us on

Family Entertainer On Half An Acre With Swimming Pool.
$ 749,000

Contact Mareeba Property Management Today!!!

Contact Casey Wright
Phone 0499051824

Property ID:1P0183
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